Monday, June 01, 2009

La Pasion de un guerrero: Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife in Spanish

Thanks to the lovely Michelle Willingham who spotted it, I discovered that Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife is out in Spain. They used a slightly different version of the North American cover. Note the hand has been moved to his leg.
And yes, Harlequin Mills & Boon authors do go looking at the various international sites to discover if our books are out. As Michelle Willingham said to me -- it is a bit like discovering Easter eggs. I spotted Michelle W's were out in Greece and Brazil so it seems a fair trade.

La pasión de un guerrero
Tenía la intención de reclamar lo que era suyo
Con el eco de los tambores de guerra martilleándole en los oídos, y los ojos cegados por el brillo deslumbrante que desprendían las afiladas hojas de las espadas, Sela aguardaba inquieta en la orilla. Acababan de llegar los barcos dragón repletos de guerreros preparados para la batalla y la gloria.Pero no era la amenaza de la conquista lo que la inquietaba hasta lo más profundo de su alma, sino la manera en que su corazón respondía al orgulloso rostro y el cuerpo cincelado del jaarl Vikar Hrutson, el cabecilla de la fuerza invasora ¡y su ex marido!
You can see more here.


Alison said...

Wow - didn't know you could write in Italian and Spanish!

Michelle Styles said...

Alison --

Would that I could!

Harlequin employs translators.

Harlequin buys its books in English (UK or US depending) and then it publishes in 22 different languages in 109 different markets.
Unfortunately not all markets offer historical. For example, the Netherlands stop publishing historical for some reason (although there is a group of Dutch women who would liike to see more...)

Kaye Manro said...

This is so great, Michelle! Viking Warrior in Spanish! Must be like MW says, finding easter eggs. And Taken By The Viking Italian cover is very retro-- but that's oh, so cool too!