Thursday, February 02, 2006

Gladiator's Honour in hardback

The postman brought a wonderful surprise today. My author's copies of Gladiator's Honour. It was wonderfully exciting to open the package and see it there in all its glory.

I know that there will other packages to open, particularly when the paperbacks get published.
But nothing beats that first moment, when you pull back the rather stubborn bit of cardboard and all is revealed.
My dh who happens to be home tday, blanched a bit when he read the back cover as I don't think he realised quite how racy this is. He did smile at the dedication and the biography, so that is good. It is about all I expect him to read....Racy romance is not really his thing.
I have signed the first copy I took out of the box, dated it and put author's copy and a huge number one on it. This is so I am never tempted to get rid of it.

Now I am a little nervous about reading it. Will it match up to my expectations or will I simply groan and think -- why didn't I do it differently?


Anna Louise Lucia said...

Lovely to see it for real, Michelle!

Donna Alward said...

Huge congrats on a milestone day. Don't read it and critique it. Remember that TPTB read it, loved it, you made edits, they loved it more, enough to want to buy it so they can make money!!!!!!!

Seriously. Just enjoy this moment. You worked hard for it!

Nell Dixon said...

It looks fabulous, I'm so happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

What a very special day for you Michelle - I'm so glad it's come atlast. I share your excitement - I've been waiting to see Galdiator's Honour 'in the flesh' - er - in the paper? almost as long as you have. I can remember telling Linda all about it at the RNA Awards lunch and promising her she'd want to read it - and I was right! I'm SO glad.

Donna's right - when you read it just
i read
it - don't critique it.
i Enjoy
your book just as everyone else who reads it is going to do.

Remeber today and enjoy every moment of being a M&B author



PS When I got my first book I put it on the bedside table so that it would be there for me to see was soon as I woke up!

Michelle Styles said...

Thank you for all your wonderful comments.
I sat and read it last night, staying up too late...and while there are parts I would change, namely to do with little words like now, just, only. On the whole I am VERY pleased with it.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, so pleased you savoured the moment! And you have others to come too - the first paperback, and then the really thrilling one: seeing your book ON THE SHELVES. Seeing it among those of other authors you've read and loved over the years.

Enjoy it. You've worked hard and you deserve every moment of pleasure.

(And glad you read rather than critiqued the book!)

Anne McAllister said...

Michelle, Congratulations!

What a thrill for you! I can remember when we had lunch at Rheged and it was all just a dream that was going to come true. And here he is -- your gladiator! -- between hardcovers!

Fantastic! Looking forward to making his acquaintance.