Friday, July 29, 2005

Another day in the summer holidays

Today my eldest has persuaded his grandmother that they really need to go to the Metro Centre. I am not quite sure why, but I think it involves the purchase of a book on operating systems.
Ever since, the youngest forgot the password at Easter, the children have been locked out of their computer. According to my mother, there are always backdoors into computer systems.
She wants my eldest to give it a go. My mother is like that -- full of good ideas. Before she retired, my mother had something to do with computers and thinks the children should be interested in things like machine language and other programming rather than playing computer games.
Me? I have visions of my eldest becoming a computer hacker. I quite enjoyed the long ago film --War Games and hope to avoid my son trying this sort of thing. However, he seems to be very interested in the notion of back doors and my mother is encouraging it. Just like she sent him a book on C++ programming.
I don't mind as long as it doesn't mess up my computer or I have to endure sudden late night knocks on my door, asking probing questions from men in black suits with dark glasses. At which point, his grandmother will have to sort everything out.

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