Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Season's Greetings

I would like to wish all readers of this blog the joys and wonders of the Holiday Season. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I shall be taking a short break as I have my first cataract operation this afternoon.

The eye police -- my dh ably assisted by my children have threatened bodily harm if I go on the computer to early. My eldest has agreed to pick up my email. But they all want my eyes well as soon as possible.

So see you in 2006!!!!


Anonymous said...

Will be thinking of you this afternoon, Michelle - and I'm with the eye police. (Kate W will say the same.) Take care of yourself and have a BRILLIANT Christmas (your first as an official M&B author, yay! Means you have to drink an extra glass of champagne).

Donna Alward said...

Merry Christmas Michelle and happy new year! Take this opportunity to relax a bit, recharged and energized to write write write in 2006!

Sela Carsen said...

Hurry back, Michelle, but not before you're fully healed! Merry Christmas!

Nell Dixon said...

Will be thinking of you. Enjoy the enforced rest and have a wonderful Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Hope your surgery goes well with no complications!

Bernita said...

That God for medical advances.
Hope the aggravation, drops and stuff soon passes.