Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I went to lunch with my editors yesterday. The big news is that Ivar's story, title still to be decided will be published in North America in December 09. I am not sure when it will be published in the UK, but it is in the schedule for December. This will be my only NA publication this year as far as I can work out. Then next year, I believe they are planning to put some of the Roman titles into Direct and e-books as well as the Regency/Victorians.
Personally I am pleased that scheduling is not my job.
We have agreed the focus for my next few projects.

The company and the food was good, but the flight was horrid. Delayed by an hour to begin with, and then the flight was cancelled on the way home. I was put on a flight about 3 hours later and arrived back shattered.

1 comment:

Nell Dixon said...

Sounds like a long day. Hugs, hope you feel more rested now.