Friday, August 01, 2014

Saved by the Viking Warrior on sale

As today 1 August, Saved by the Viking Warrior is on sale at  Harlequin and Mills & Boon.

I also found out that two of my earlier books -- An Impulsive Debutante and A Question of Impropriety are being republished (officially in April 2015) but you can get them as part of a boxed set with 22 other great books set in the Regency as part of the In Regency Society series.  AID and QI are titled Prejudice in Regency Society. I love the cover!

And Taming His Viking Woman comes out in February 2015.
Now to get the next one done...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you still using TAM and still enjoying it? Found your entries very inspiring. I'm about to restart it again and hope to stay with it this time.