Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Kate Walker's Bag of Books contest

My very dear friend and writing mentor, Kate Walker is running a bag of books contest as she is busy celebrating her writing friends. I am absolutely thrilled and excited to be included as the list includes such luminaries as Michelle Ried, Liz Fielding, Julie Cohen, Anne McAllister and Kate Hardy.

As Kate's wonderful words of wisdom really helped me when I was first start getting serious about my writing, I am really honoured by what she has said about me.

To spend time in Kate's company is to come away inspired. As she has blogged, the last face to face conversation I had with her resulted in the premise for Sold and Seduced.

And for any aspiring writer, I can heartily reccommend Kate Walker's 12 Point Guide to Writing Romance as a must read. It is all there.

If you haven't yet entered her contest, please do so as the books spotlighted are all fantastic reads and include one that both Kate Hardy and I have tipped for next year's awards -- Liz Fielding's The Marriage Miracle.

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