Thursday, October 27, 2005

Half term

It is half-term here, so I am finding things to distract me from writing. BUT on the other hand, my muse keep throwing up ideas and the wip is slowly progressing. The point is that it is progressing and my guilt is starting to kick in.
TheBorder Collie sliced his paw on Monday evening.Blood all over the basement floor as that was the way my dh (luckily) decided to go in. I bandaged it, but resolved that I neededto replense my first aid kit when I hadto use duck tape to hold the dressing on. The vet the next morning was very kind about it.
My eldest went to the hospital yesterday and his arm is healing well. The consultant predicts four weeks and the cast will beoff, BUT absolutely no contact sports for a while.

I am going to be profiled on e-harlequin as a new author in December. Anyway, I have spent the last few weeks getting the info required. Agonizing over whether or not to have a new photo taken, but decidedthat I really like the one Norman Brown took of me earlier this year. And it appears from the email, it is what they were looking for. Phew, I had no idea how to change it to the pixels required. Or rather didn't want to take the time to learn.
Because of the profile, I have learnt that Gladiator's Honor will be out in North America in retail and direct in Spetember 2006. I have also had a sneak preview of the back cover copy. It looks good. Far better than anything I could do. I would buy this book on the back cover alone. Given the back cover copy, I suspect the front cover is excellent.

Also my editor said that she was quite happy for me to write another Roman. She also agree after that one, I can do a Regency if I wish. I will hear thier thoughts on TSD shortly. Editorial speak for this mss is on my desk and I have a pile of mss, but I know yours is there and I will get it done eventually. I don't mind as I can now concentrate on writing this first draft, knowing that it is in safe hands and when I get the thoughts back, I am sure they will make for a much stronger mss. The whole idea is to use the editor's professional eye and hope that one is able to improve not only that mss but subsequent ones as well. I do know that I am very lucky to be working with such a marvellous editor.

I have been having great fun reading Kate Hardy's latest. The Consultant's Christmas Proposal.A real three hankie job but wonderful escapism. It isall the more poignant for me as my dh's grandmother suffered from early onset of RA. After reading one of her books, I always feel that the world is nicer place, that the glass is half full, instead of half empty. I have also reclaim Nicola Cornick's duo from my middle and am looking forward to restarting these. The middle swears tht they are excellent and she just had to keep rereading them.


Anonymous said...

Hope you hear some good news soon! And glad to hear your son is recuperating.

Anonymous said...

Glad your son's getting on so well.

And thank you for the lovely things you've said about my book!