Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lacryma Christi

Because we are getting ready to go to Sorrento, my dh brought home a bottle of Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio Bianco by Terredora. It was a lovely bottle of white wine with a smooth honeyed citrus taste.
The grapes used include an ancient varietal -- coda di volpe, named by Pliny the Elder -- Cauda vulpium (fox tail) because of the way it grows in clusters.
The grapes are grown in the cinder soil of Vesuvius, and Lacryma Christi is one of the more imitated wines of the region.
The legend is that when God found a little piece of heaven that Lucifer had stolen at the Bay of Naples, God wept with joy and from God's tears sprang the vines.
The Campania region reached the height of its fame back in the Greco-Roman times when Falernian wine grew along the north coast. Even in the 16th century the wines were famous with Pop Paul III raving about the wines of the Kingdom of Naples. However, they began to decline with the fall of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies in 1860.
However, if the bottle of Lacryma Christi we had is anything to go by, they should be rediscovered. Truly nectar.

I leave tomorrow morning for Sorrento, Italy and this blog will get back to normal service on 1 Nov.


Nell Dixon said...

Have a wonderful holiday - it sounds fab.

Kate Hardy said...

Have a great time in Sorrento :o)

Unknown said...

Have a lovely time Michelle-- and don't forget, we want LOTS of photographs please!

Look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.


Natasha Oakley said...

I hope you had the most wonderful time in Sorrento! Just one glimpse at your hotel had me drooling and I can't wait to see the photos.

And you'll be home in time to watch BBC 4's evening of all things Harlequin Mills & Boon.