Friday, November 09, 2012

My poor neglected blog

It has been awhile.
My excuse is that my mother came over from the States and we did a whirlwind tour of the universites where my elder two are studying.  And my revisions for The Return of The Viking Warrior hit.
My mother went back home last week but I wanted to get the revisions done as I have a New Editor. I found my New Editor''s thoughts really useful and hope she loves my manuscript now. I think it is far stronger but it is always a worrying time when you change editors. You never know quite how they will react or if you interpreted their thoughts correctly. On the plus, sometimes you get overly comfortable with your editor and know where her quirks and hot spots are and this can mean that you are not pushed. I couldn't do anything about the change and so am rolling with it. My new editor loves Vikings so this is good. She also knows how to pronouce the names correctly.

I did draw the name out of the hat from my newsletter and Tracy had her package sent off to her.

I am still doing my Tracy Anderson Method and have nearly finished the first year of my transformation (ie 360 workouts). And then comes Year 2 with the Chair and lots of challenges for my abs.

I will try to be better at keeping up with this blog but work and family have to come first.


Helena said...

Work and family have to come first. Much as readers enjoy reading author's blogs, they are first and foremost readers of books and want authors to write books!

Caroline said...

So glad you had your mum over to stay - parents are precious! Can't wait to read your Viking when it comes out. Caroline x