Friday, June 05, 2009

Hardy and the Vet

My eldest son's prognosis of Hardy not eating any raisins turned out to be wrong. Shortly after I wrote yesterday's post, Hardy developed the runs with raisins...I phoned the vet and was told to immediately proceed to the vet hospital.
I drove rather fast, but thankfully despite seeing police cars was not stopped. A friend who happened to see my car on the A69 did she knows I am normally fairly cautious. And there were rather a lot of police about...
There, Hardy underwent blood tests. One of his urine enzymes was raised -- not enough to be dangerous but enough to cause concern. He was put on a 24 hour IV drip.

This morning, he had more blood tests and his kidney function was back to normal. I went and picked him up -- driving at my normal pace.

While getting discharged, Hardy managed to eat his discharge papers. He also managed to chew his vet bed, plus the newspapers in his carrier. I have agree with the vetinary nurse that it is best for him to be kept on the Pet Plan insurance scheme as goodness knows what other mischief he will get into.

Note the interest in the bandage!!!


Kate Hardy said...

Glad he's OK, Michelle - and hope your blood pressure is back to normal now.

Had to smile at the chewed papers. My first spaniel once ate one of my royalty cheques. That was a squirmy phone call...

Kaye Manro said...

Bless his little heart. I know how it feels to have a sick pet. It's almost like having a sick kid!

LOL on Hardy eating the papers and such-- maybe he's hungry now after all he went through. A good sign and ya know, it's a puppy thing to do!

Nell Dixon said...

little pup. I bet your son felt awful too.

Anne McAllister said...

Oh, so glad to hear Hardy survived his encounter with the raisins. I told the story to my kids as a cautionary tale about how few it took to make him sick.

Good idea keeping the insurance!

Michelle Styles said...

My son has remarked that it was the most expensive handful of raisins that he has ever eaten.