Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Better today

Thank you all so much for the lovely comments and private emails. I do appreciate them. The one great thing about the ROmance community is how many people are pet lovers. And if you have had pets, you do understand about grieving when you lose them.

It is quieter. But things are settling. ANd eventually in time, I will save another few cats. Out there, some where there will a cat or two who needs me and my family.

Right now, I am getting back to writing etc. as that is what I do. Although yesterday for the first time in absolutely ages, I wanted to knit.


Jen Black said...

Knitting is very therapeutic. I think it must be the rhythm that soothes! Just wanted to say that Vanessa Grant's book is wonderful at explaining all those things I *thought* I already understood!

Donna Alward said...

I was knitting last night as well. :-)

Glad you are doing better today.