Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day

Today is the first of May, a traditional time of celebration and festivity. The Celts called it beltane and it was officially the first day of summer. The Romans used May Day as the start of the five celebration of the goddess Flora. It is thought that the Floriana festival celebrations may have directly influenced the May day celebrations with the crowning of the May Queen and the May Pole. Cromwell in his infinite wisdom banned maypoles and May Day celebrations.
In more modern times, May Day has been seen as a day to celebrate the Worker's movement. According to Chambers Book of Days, this practice originates from the 1867 Illinois celebration of the fact that the working day had been changed from 10 hours to 8 hours. 1May 1867 was the first official date of the change in Illinois. From here, the movement spread around the world and it is the origans of the early May Bank Holiday in Britain.
Today is also Wellington's birthday. He was born 1769. It is also the date of the Act of Union between Scotland and England (1707) and the date Queen Victorian officially open the Great Exhibition in 1851.

Taken By the Viking Today marks the official publication of Taken by the Viking in the US, So it should be in all the retail shops. It also means that it is now available everywhere on e-books, including kindle. Diesel is doing a special offer of 20 % off.
If you wish to take advantage of the offer, you need to key STYLbf5a4 into the special offer code box at Diesel e-books.
Viking Warrior, Unwilling Wife is now available for purchase online at Mills & This is the second book in my Viken mini series. M&B is the quickest way to get your hands on a copy. It will be in the UK shops on 6 June. US publication remains to be determined.

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