Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Musing about my career

The RNA conference is looming. I had hoped to be well on my way with TSD by then. I do think TSD is a stronger book for taking my time, but now I want to get it finished.

The post arrived and I had a rejection from an agent on the Roman mystery. It was expected as the agent had taken her time. If agents are interested, they move quickly. As I am focussed on building my career with M&B at the moment, it doesn't matter. I look forward to the day when I am able to pick and choose agents. I also feel that if I can make a success of the Roman set romances, it will be much easier to sell the mystery one. Luckily, I don't think it will date.

The emphasis at the moment can not be on finding an agent, but rather on writing the next M&B and getting it accepted. Then writing the one after that. Then finishing the regional saga if I don't have tight deadlines. THEN and only then contacting agents. I have no need of an agent if I am going to stay within M&B. What is the point of paying 15-20% plus expenses for someone who is not going to be able to do anything?

I can see a lot of reasons why I might want an agent if and when I decide to go mainstream and hock my Roman mystery or Regional saga. Contracts and advances are variable. Also large publishers prefer to deal with agents. But why would I want to put a layer between me and M&B. Advances are standard at this level as are contracts. Equally I can see no point in having an agent for work done for Hale -- the contract is standard and the advances are not very much. Without clout, not much can be done. With clout and a solid reputation, a lot can be done.

So at the moment, I have to concentrate on the the things I can control and change, work to improve my position to a point that it is me who gets to pick and choose and NOT the agents.

Thus it is back to work on TSD with renewed vigour.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I really don't think an agent does much good at the beginning. Perhaps later, or if you're working with single title houses.

Best of luck finishing the new book!

Nell Dixon said...

I think that's very true, you just have to focus a bit at a time at building your career.

Nell Dixon said...

I think that's very true, you just have to focus a bit at a time at building your career.