Saturday, October 23, 2010

Success at last!

As you can see, I have FINALLY been able to upload my cover on to blogger!!!
I do love the cover and its colours. I also like the romantic feel of the cover.

With my current wip, I can see the end and will get there, either today or tomorrow. Then it will be going back and layering. I have a number of words to play with and there are places where I can layer. One of my big problems is that I have things in my head but not on paper. This can include sensual tension, emotion and sometimes whole scenes that should really be there. In theory, I know my faults and therefore should be looking for them.  But I am feeling more confident which is good. And I started crying when I was typing yesterday which is a good sign.

Doughnuts and not holes.

My AAs for To Marry A Matchmaker have to be done this weekend and I keep finding reasons why I love this book. Fingers crossed other people love it when it comes out in July.

There is some exciting news with regards to The Lady Soldier which I co-wrote with Kate Allan all those years ago. It will be going into e-book and I gather mass market paperback with the fledgling publisher Embrace Books. When I know more, I will let people know...but contracts have been signed.


Kate Hardy said...

Go, you! (Just sent mine in, so cheering you on from the finishing post.)

Great news about TLS, too.

Judy Jarvie said...

Congratulations, Michelle.
Yey on all the good news.
The cover is gorgeous and fabulous news re The Lady Soldier and Embrace. Extra squee.
My goodness, how busy you are and you've worked so very hard. I hope you have some treats stacked up.

I'm at layering point and now...I have a headcold and sore throat. Ya boo. But...luckily there is a laptop and lemsip for such emergencies. jx

Joanna St. James said...

congratulations I have a question though what is an AA?

Anonymous said...

AA = Authors Alterations?

I love the cover too. It's lush. And almost chocolatey.
..Or maybe that's just me craving something sweet. Again. :))

Michelle Styles said...

AA = Author Alterations.
It is the last time I can change ANYTHING on a manuscript. It comes back and has line numbers. I get to see all the line edits and the copy edits. YOu have to go through with a fine tooth comb and even then, sometimes things are missed.

Jane Holland said...

Good to have THE LADY SOLDIER with Embrace, Michelle!

Jane x