Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Curse of Mamma Mia!

Right, the saga continues. Yesterday, a Tuesday, my daughter and I went into Hexham to seem Mamma Mia! After all, the movie has been out for a long time. Weeks. Last week, it was on double showings...Tuesdays are quiet. Umm no, a sign was plastered on the front -- SOLD OUT FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!!!!
Argh. I think it is The Dark Knight next week, so I think Hexham is out. We could go into Newcastle or more likely wait for the dvd.
At some point, we will see this film! But it does appear to be a word of mouth success. Lots of older middle couples were there as were groups of older middle aged women. The sort of people you do not generally see going to films, but when they go, boy do they go...
I suspect the film is very good and if it does get held over in Hexham, we will go to see it...

My cp has been cracking her whip and her words have made me see things in a different light. It is basically the same question that an old editor of mine told me to keep in mind -- how does he feel about her -- beginning, middle and end and why do the changes happen? Still it is better to think now than have to revise later.


Natasha Oakley said...

Mamma Mia is fun, but not amazing imo. I went with my daughter who didn't enjoy it as much as I did. I suspect that might be an age thing! Ho hum!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this is one of the few plays i've actually seen, which ended up being great... it's funny to think of ol' Pierce taking a stab at singing though, yeeesh

Michelle Styles said...

My daughter is more desperate than I to see it. I think it is the whole sold out thing. But I suspect that it does appeal to a certain age group. My sister said that she had seen it and while not great, it was clear that everyone was having fun...Apparently there is a sing along version making the rounds as well...
Movie Buff -- I am looking forward to seeing Pierce sing...

Kate Hardy said...

When I did my last radio interview, Graham Barnard said it was one of those movies that veered from brilliant to awful and back again several times - but he did say it was worth seeing.

Re your dilemma - the other thing I've found helpful is something Jenny Haddon once told me: what do they think they want, and what do they REALLY want? (Usually they're polar opposites, and you can complicate it with what everyone else thinks they want.)

Anonymous said...

It's a movie with a lot of good word of mouth for all ages. My colleagues and I are going together, and we are all ages, nationalities, and interests. It's gotten such good general buzz.