Friday, August 08, 2008

contest and the muck of nature

I am blogging today at Tote Bags, and there is a win a signed copy of An Impulsive Debutante.

Yesterday, Chile went to the vet. All is fine, but because I was using the small car, he struggled to get in the back. My dd and I worked together to lift him in. Got home, and the rear license plate was missing.
Quick call to the vets -- no license plate.
What to do?And how do you get a replacement?
I called the DVLA -- basically, you need to take your registration documents to someone like the garage who sold you the car or other retailer who makes license plates and they will make you one.
I had that in hand, when the vet called. The plate had been found -- under another car.
Relief as I had thought up all sorts of scenarios where the plate was used on a stolen car...There are problems with having a vivid imagination.
The plate had been held on by foam tape, rather than screws. This is very common. But it is not good, if you have an arthritic Labrador who kicks it...
While all this was going on, I also cleaned the gutters. Luckily, my youngest has taken the camera to the Lakes and so you are not being treated to me -- covered in muck from head to toe. Suffice it to say that we no longer have a second garden growing at roof level and when it rains, they actually perform their function. But what a messy job, it is.


Donna Alward said...

OK So I'm TOTALLY laughing at "the muck of nature". My metronome was so much prettier. However both are really strong images don't you think?

Hugs to Chile. We had a completely barkless night last night.


Michelle Styles said...

Ah yes, you supposed to get the reference!

Your metronome was far prettier.

But muck of nature is a strong image and those gutters were full of it.

Nell Dixon said...

Glad Chile is recovering. Our gutter fills with moss which the Magpies regularly turf out and lob it all over the lawn and drive.

Anonymous said...

CarolC said...

I really want to see Mama Mia too, have heard such good things about it. Nothing better than a good feel good film to lift the spirits.

Your post is the third thing today to make me want a daughter... What exactly will I do when dh has taken the two boys off somewhere? Although European Football trips would be more the order of the day than camping with him I think.