Friday, September 30, 2005

On starting a new wip

This is none of my favourite times in writing. All roads are open to me. My characters are rough lumps of clay waiting to be moulded. My muse is calling, and I am ignoring the remaining unread manuscripts for a day or three. Mainly because I want to know how many I am going to have to wade through. Another (a novella) arrived today.
In August I took a class on synopsis writing from Laurie Campbell. As is her wont, she had a number of handouts. I think it total one every other day or 15 in all. Being busy, trying to finiish TSD, I gave them a vague glance. Brainstorming, interviews and the like are really only of any use when I am in that mode. Sometimes I find I can these questions and others, they are not how my mind works and I end up having a brain freeze. In writing, there is no right way, only what works for you and the girls in the basement.
However, in an effort to kickstart my muse, I began to wade through them. They are excellent. Three different types of interviews, and along with other types of worksheets to fill out. My muse wants to have fun. My muse is intersted. But first I have to decide on the heroine's name. It can change, but I stll have to have one to begin with.
Cue frantically searching through Roman name sites and books. I want someting that is still in use today, so it souds familiar. This Gladiator'sHonour's heroine was Julia Antonia. TSD's heroine is Silvana (finally spelt properly) And now this heroine, what is her name? I know a bit about her, but she is being reluctant with her name. Coy even. So I'll be mean and give her a name and see if she likes it. If she doesn't, another will come to mind.
I know most of the hero's name which helps. But I am still deciding between his nicknames.
Roman men had three or four names. Their first name which was only used by the family. There are about 16 possible names. Titus, Ciaus, Gnaeus, Lucius, Aulus, and Marcus are examples.
Then you have the family name such as Julius, Flavius, Fabius, Livius and so on. This told among other things if you were plebian or patrician.
Finally a man had a nickname which he was known by -- Ceaser, Vespasian,Falco,Valens and so on. This could be a reference to a physical appearance or something else.Strabo was given for someone had a squint.
Women;s names often consisted of the feminised version of the father's name, and possibly something else. Julia Majora. or Julia Seconda. Women however kept their father's anme and didn't change their name to their husband's family. This is perhaps because divorce was a frequent occurance and a woman was more liekly to remain loyal to her own family rather than her husband's. As a side note, I wonder when women started taking their husband's name, and was it to show their loyalty had changed?

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