Tuesday, February 05, 2008

RNA Romance Prize and ANC in Czech

First of all, huge congratulations to Kate Hardy for winning the RNA Romance Prize 2008. Star that she is, she has already put a detailed account on her blog, including pictures. So go over and read about the winner's journey. It is such wonderful news. Breakfast at Giovanni's (In Bed with Her Italian Boss April 08 US) is a book with a lot of heart.

I did some more trawling through various Harlequin websites and discovered that A Noble Captive is also out in Czech. I had not looked at the Czech site before, but am assuming that they also put out Gladiator's Honour last December. It has the same cover as the Polish version. This is the first time though I have seen my name changed. In Czech I am Michelle Stylesova. Anwya that makes 8 languages that I know about and as I loved Prague when I visited back in 2006, I am thoroughly pleased.

Michelle Stylesová
Římský tribun Tullio upadne po útoku pirátů se svými muži do zajetí. Dostává se na ostrov, který je zasvěcen bohyni Kybele a který je základnou pro piráty. Tady se setkává s Helenou, neteří a pomocnicí zdejší kněžky, a snaží se ji naklonit na stranu Říma.Helena se snaží před ostrovany zatajit, že její teta kněžka je nemocná, a pokusí se ji zastoupit. Tullio ji ale prohlédne a snaží se jí její situaci ulehčit. Třebaže je brzy jasné, že v sobě našli zalíbení, Helena se obává, zda Tulliovi jde skutečně o ni, nejen o prospěch Říma.
Kat. číslo:
207 W 02/08
320 stran
Datum vydání:
15. 2. 2008
U nás v prodeji od:
1. 2. 2008
119 Kč
Cena pro vás:
98 Kč
You can purchase it here.

1 comment:

Kate Hardy said...

Thanks, Michelle. (And for the phone call yesterday.)

And congrats on going into Czech!