Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Weekly weigh in and update

2 lbs lost, which is pretty good, but I need to add more exercise to my regime. I think now most of the Christmas flab has gone, and it is going to be the long term, hard wearing stuff that needs to come off. Already though, I feel less stiff in the morning.

My revisions arrived late yesterday.They are minor tweaks that need careful consideration on exactly how I am going to do them. And it is really chaning a sentence or three here or there, but it has to be done carefully. My editor does like the story though.

Interestingly, an agent has come out on her blog and said that editors are calling her, asking for historicals -- ones with adventure in them,rather than drawing room. Now as I have known the historical is not dead and that indeed editors are looking for such things...my big question is why has it taken agents so long to realize this? Still it will be nice if there is an upswing. Maybe then, people will stop talking about the historical romance being dead. It represents something like 40% of all historical romances published.


Nell Dixon said...

Yay - congratulations on the weight loss. I'm back wearing my pedometer this week and aiming for my 10,000 steps a day.

Anonymous said...

Well done on the weight loss - and excellent news on minor revisions, too.

Nell - me too :o)

Cole Reising said...

Great job on the weight loss! I need to get my butt in gear and do the exercise part --:)

I've always loved adventure/action historicals and have just ignored those saying things about trends. In truth figuring all things go in a cycle.

Have a great one!