Friday, July 09, 2010

And off again

I did the revisions. They were very straight forward and in a way I could understand. I think I have done everything right, but that is up to my editor.
It has been a long time since I have felt this energised about revisions.

There again, world cup semi finals are very good for zoning out and just thinking. But the revisions basically consumed me for 2 days. I wanted to work on them. Sometimes lately the revisions have been such that I was far from motivated or I didn't understand what my editor wanted but knew that asking was not going yield the results I wanted. This time none of that fog happened.

So it is back to the waiting game. And to starting the Sinai project.

Several people have commented on the new look on my actual blog. I like it and I suppose that is what counts.


Jackie Ashenden said...

Great that your revisions were so clear. Hope the ed likes them! BTW, I love the cover for your new release!

Francine Howarth said...

Hi Michelle,

I follow closely historical writers, history my great passion. Can imagine how relieved you were to have relatively easy revision!
Bring it on I say as long it's not a virtual re-write of whole project. ;)

In my present situation of two subs (MH & historical at M&B) an answer would do: either way on yes or no. I'm thinking six months wait for unagented ms is a fair deal on reply, after that I shall sub elsewhere! Time is precious, and there are other pubishers at present looking to acquire category romance'. :)

I do read the M&B forum posts but for some weird reason cannot post anymore, but hey my input ain't vital - that's a sure fact.

Re your new look: Have to confess I'm all for minimalist embience on blogs,(less is more) and book shelf background so in keeping with writers and readers.

Must mention Joanne P's blog and silver bucket cyber shinies - apparently inspired by your "gem collecting". An amusing fun idea and it could well escalate around the blogosphere! I'm hooked because I love jewels real-time, and on present waiting score(4months MH/2months historical)I'll soon have enough cyber jewels to create a stunning bracelet!

Cyber fun aside, yep the cover pic looks great!

Michelle Styles said...

Jackie -- it makes a difference.Where my old editor tended to be non specific, my new editor highlighted points and gave me questions to think about.

Francine -- I have no idea why you are locked out of M&B. Keep trying. Always glad to someone else there!
Wait times are -- how long is a piece of string. YOu can follow up after 20 weeks. Historical generally take far longer for 2 simple reasons --1. they are close to single title and longer so there is more scope for different stories and 2. historical tends to be written by people who love historical so the books are v close.
About where to go afterwards: lots of places. It depends on the story. HIstorical is now fairly close to single title length as single titles have been getting shorter. It means adding about 10-15k. Then there is Carina and the other e publishers. With MH, again Carina, and then you can try to see if your writing style fits LBD.