Sunday, November 25, 2007

Newsletter contest

I should point out that there are a few days left to enter the contest for a signed copy of A Christmas Wedding Wager. The details are in my latest newsletter. If you do subscribe before the deadline of 30 November, I will send the details. The contest is for subscribers only.

I will be sending out my next newsletter on 6 December and that will have details of my Christmas competition. Prizes will include a treat from Northumberland and copies of my back listed books.

My current book is coming on. But I am suffering from a sore throat that won't quit and now having done my research on scarlet fever etc, I keep thinking -- strep and oh help. Seriously I do not know how medical authors cope. Needless to say, I am drinking lots of honey and lemon.


EllenToo said...

Michelle - sure hope your sore throat goes away soon and that it's nothing worse.

Michelle Styles said...

Thank you Ellen.
I am being good. It appears to have gone into a cough now. So fingers crossed that it means it is on the mend...

Kate Hardy said...

Hope you're feeling better, Michelle.

As to how Medical authors cope - because we pick the more dramatic cases, we know the worst-case scenario and it's like being a medical student. You scare yourelf with the possibilities *g* and then flick through your textbooks and get a grip!